“The minute anyone’s getting anxious I say, ‘You must eat and you must sleep.’ They’re the two vital elements for a healthy life.”

– Francesca Annis

Sleep is one of our essential needs. It is just as important for our health and well-being as food, water, and a safe home! If a child struggles with eating enough, parents go above and beyond to ensure that their child gets what they need to grow and thrive. 

So why do we accept the lack of sleep that frequently accompanies a little one joining the family? Many enter parenthood believing that quality sleep is now a thing of the past because that’s what friends and family tell them. But, I believe that babies and children CAN sleep well if they are set up for success and we as parents allow them the independence to get the sleep they need and deserve. 

We now live in a world where there is so much information at our fingertips that it is easy to become overwhelmed when trying to learn just how exactly parents can help teach their little ones to sleep better. That is where I come in! I provide parents with clear guidance for techniques that fit their family and assist them while they encourage their child to develop those crucial sleep skills. When you teach your child healthy sleep habits, you will gain a happy, playful, curious, and eager to learn child AND you will gain important “you time” and your sleep back! 

A quick note about crying: Parents almost always ask about “crying it out” and I think it deserves to be addressed. Please understand that I will never ask you to leave your child to cry alone for long periods of time, nor ask you to ignore their cries. Crying is your child’s way of protesting change, and you can expect that making changes to their sleep habits will result in some protests! I want to be transparent and inform parents that there will most likely be some protesting as we work on new sleep skills. We will focus on gentle methods that respect the parents and the child. It is temporary while we work towards the end goal of a well rested family! 


Sleep is complex and unique for each individual. Having a customized plan for your child and one-on-one support for the parents can make this process smooth for the entire family.