About Me

I am Lauren Davis, a certified pediatric sleep consultant! I have a BS in Nutritional Sciences from Texas A&M University and worked in the health and wellness industry as a coach prior to starting my own family. Becoming a mother exposed a huge component of my health that I previously took for granted - SLEEP! 

To say we struggled with sleep with our first child is an understatement. While I tried my best to get her sleeping better, something just wasn’t clicking. She hated naps, wasn’t sleeping through the night, and everyone was exhausted. So I hired a sleep consultant and through the process of teaching my daughter to sleep better, I learned so much about infant and children’s sleep and became hooked. After having my second daughter and setting her up for independent sleep from Day 1, I decided to earn my own certification so I can help other families. 

Sleep consulting is so fulfilling for me! I have truly been in your shoes, so to provide the guidance and support to improve another family’s life is an incredible honor. There is not much better than starting my day with a hot cup of coffee in one hand and a text from an overjoyed parent in my other hand saying “my child slept through the night for the first time ever!” If you want that happy parent to be you, let’s work on a customized sleep plan that fits your family so we can move from frustrating bedtimes to peaceful dreaming for all!